Download SSNR2017 Proceedings (.pdf)
List of poster presentations (.pdf)
Poster should be printed considering the recommended poster size: 70 (width) x 90 (height) cm. Authors are free to create their own poster design, there are no particular style requirements.
List of oral presentations (.pdf)
The oral presentations are scheduled for 12 minutes followed by 3 minutes of questions. Please check the list of oral presentations to know when your talk is scheduled.
The participants will have the oportunity to present (poster or oral presentation) their work and research line and discuss it with the SSNR2017 community.
It is mandatory to provide a title and abstract in the Application Form. Authors will present their work (poster or oral presentations depending on the decision of the scientific committee) during the last two days. After the selection process of the SSNR2017, participants will be given the possibility to send full contributions (2-page abstracts) that will be included into the Proceedings. Templates can be downloaded here (.docx, Latex). The deadline for sending the full contributions is July, 31.
Contributions should be focused on your main PhD/research activity. If you want, you may give special relevance to the aspects that you consider better match with SSNR2017 topics.