Call for Sponsors

2017 School and Symposium on Advanced Neurorehabilitation (SSNR2017) is inviting sponsors to reserve space at the SSNR venue in Spain.



Download Sponsorship levels flyer (.pdf file)

Platinum (3000€)


Two conference registrations

Sponsoring a lecture (10-minutes presentation in one lecture)

Space for sponsor information and/or demonstration

Prominent acknowledgment on the workshop website and in the scientific program

Listed as Platinum Sponsor in all press releases


Gold (2500€)


One conference registration

Sponsoring a lecture (5-minutes presentation in one lecture)

Space for sponsor information and/or demonstration

Prominent acknowledgment on the workshop website and in the scientific program

Listed as Gold Sponsor in all press releases


Silver (2000€)


Space for sponsor information and/or demonstration

Prominent acknowledgment on the workshop website and in the scientific program

Listed as Silver Sponsor in all press release