2017 School and Symposium on Advanced Neurorehabilitation (SSNR2017) is inviting sponsors to reserve space at the SSNR venue in Spain.
Download Sponsorship levels flyer (.pdf file)
Platinum (3000€)
Two conference registrations
Sponsoring a lecture (10-minutes presentation in one lecture)
Space for sponsor information and/or demonstration
Prominent acknowledgment on the workshop website and in the scientific program
Listed as Platinum Sponsor in all press releases
Gold (2500€)
One conference registration
Sponsoring a lecture (5-minutes presentation in one lecture)
Space for sponsor information and/or demonstration
Prominent acknowledgment on the workshop website and in the scientific program
Listed as Gold Sponsor in all press releases
Silver (2000€)
Space for sponsor information and/or demonstration
Prominent acknowledgment on the workshop website and in the scientific program
Listed as Silver Sponsor in all press release